Learning From the Past to End Slavery Today

A new free downloadable resource from our partners at the University of Nottingham, including FTS Co-founder Kevin Bales: Today we are engaged in a global antislavery movement. But there have been at least four large antislavery movements in human history. We are part of a long tradition of brilliant antislavery activists. By studying the history […]
November 16, 2020

A new free downloadable resource from our partners at the University of Nottingham, including FTS Co-founder Kevin Bales:

Today we are engaged in a global antislavery movement. But there have been at least four large antislavery movements in human history. We are part of a long tradition of brilliant antislavery activists. By studying the history of the antislavery movement and the actions of our antislavery ancestors, we can find valuable, practical lessons.

One of the key outputs of our Antislavery Usable Past project is a free eBook, The Antislavery Usable Past: History’s Lessons for How We End Slavery Today. Edited by Kevin Bales and Zoe Trodd, the book is available for everyone. You can download a PDF copy or an ePub copy for your kindle, iPad, or other e-reader.

It’s full of crucial lessons from the past – offering a toolbox that we can apply to our work today and in the future, in order that we can build on past successes and not repeat past mistakes.

Free download here.

Can you help end the conditions that cause modern slavery?

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