Faith in Action Can Help End Slavery

April is an important month for many faith communities, with Passover and Easter coming soon. So I’d like to encourage you to join us at Free the Slaves in reflecting on the important connection between faith and freedom. If you belong to a church, synagogue, mosque or temple, you have probably been called to take […]
April 2, 2014

April is an important month for many faith communities, with Passover and Easter coming soon. So I’d like to encourage you to join us at Free the Slaves in reflecting on the important connection between faith and freedom.

If you belong to a church, synagogue, mosque or temple, you have probably been called to take a stand against the existence of slavery. For those of you who are looking to take action through the lens of your faith, I am excited to announce the launch of a new Free the Slaves engagement campaign: Faith in Action to End Slavery.


Our Faith in Action webpages provide resources and activities for faith leaders, congregants and individuals looking to serve as representatives for the mission of Free the Slaves. Download one of our two new toolkits, The Jewish Legacy for Freedom and Sundays Against Slavery, and be on the lookout for more coming soon. These resources provide tangible and simple ways to make an impact by becoming part of the global anti-slavery movement.

People of faith were instrumental in building the moral consensus that led to slavery being outlawed worldwide. The job now is to eradicate modern forms of this crime against humanity.

“If there is one abuse that offends our conscience in every way, it is the enslavement of a human being,” says Anglican Archbishop Emeritus Desmond Tutu. “No child should be born without hope; no person should live without freedom.”

We can end slavery if we all act together. At my home this Passover, when asked why is this night different than others, we will reply: “We claim the heritage of the exodus, and we commit to help liberate those who are now in slavery.”

I hope you will make a similar commitment. During the coming holidays, please show your support by making a gift to Free the Slaves in commemoration of Passover or Easter. We can’t end slavery without you. Every gift counts. We are deeply grateful.

Can you help end the conditions that cause modern slavery?

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