The Perfect Mother’s Day Present: An e-Card that Spreads Freedom

Wherever Free the Slaves works, there are poignant and inspiring stories of women who would give anything to protect their children from slavery. In Nepal, Lucky was forced to leave her daughter behind when she escaped enslavement in an Indian circus. She set in motion a coordinated international effort to rescue her daughter, who is now safely […]
May 2, 2014

Wherever Free the Slaves works, there are poignant and inspiring stories of women who would give anything to protect their children from slavery.

  • In Nepal, Lucky was forced to leave her daughter behind when she escaped enslavement in an Indian circus. She set in motion a coordinated international effort to rescue her daughter, who is now safely reunited with her mother.
  • In India, women have organized “Mother’s Club” meetings to develop ways to improve their children’s education and safeguard them from traffickers.
  • In the Congo, Ombeni, who was once abducted by a soldier and held in sex slavery, began training in sewing after her liberation. She now owns a sewing boutique and is able to provide for her two children.
  • In Ghana, Kofi summed up the joy he experienced after he and his brother were rescued from fishing slavery: “At long last we can go back to our mother, escaping this slave master and all his cruel treatment.

Donate to Free the Slaves in honor of your mother, and you can send her a customizable e-card with this photo for Mother’s Day. Click here.

Because of the work you support through Free the Slaves, mothers and countless others have been given the tools, training and support to rescue their children, reunite their families and protect entire villages from traffickers.

Maybe you are a mother. Or maybe your mother resembles the strength and sacrifice of the women overcoming slavery today. This Mother’s Day, you can empower and protect mothers around the world.

Please contribute to Free the Slaves through our Mother’s Day e-card initiative.

Can you help end the conditions that cause modern slavery?

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